Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Red Window

I just learned that Elizabeth Edwards lost her battle with cancer and died today at the age of 61.  I always admired Elizabeth for her grace and intelligence.  I loved hearing Elizabeth speak - she was always so poised and intelligent.  She was a fellow lawyer and a fellow interior design enthusiast.  In fact she loved design so much that she opened a furniture store in Chapel Hill, NC.   Her store is Red Window and was inspired by her mother who herself ran a little design store in Japan while the family was stationed there in service of the U.S. military.

I admired her deeply.  Here are some pictures from her store:

I love the French chair & ottoman.

Love that white mirror and the throw pillows.

I love wingback chairs.

How gorgeous is that chocolate linen settee?

The last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about the impact I am making in the world and about the geographic distance between Texas (where my entire family lives) and NYC (where I live).  Elizabeth was a pioneer.  Would I have the strength to pioneer a new path in Texas?  Honestly, I don't know.

I wish I drove.  I would take a weekend trip to NC and visit Red Window.  As a way to pay my respects to a woman who made the world a better place.

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