Friday, December 31, 2010

Week of Joy - Days Four and Five

The holidays and work (f-ing work!) interfered with my blog posts.  I want to quickly wrap up the posts I had planned last week for my Week of Joy, before the last post of 2010.

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea.  - Isak Dinesen

I love the ocean.  I love that feeling when you walk into the ocean and the water wraps around your legs.   I credit the sea for healing many of my own heart aches.

{Images from my vacation in New Zealand}

I love the way the ocean changes color depending on the sun.  I could happily live the rest of my life by the sea.

A couple of bedrooms with an oceanic color palette.  The one below is very soothing with shades of gray and white.

I love the sparkle and green tones in this room:

{Images via Elle Decor}

Another thing that brings me great joy is travel.  I love to visit new places and I especially love the challenge of visiting places where I don't know the spoken language. The ironic thing in my life is that I used to travel a lot more when I had less money.  Now that I have a nice salary, I work too much and don't have as much free time to travel.  I think some adjustments for 2011 are in order.

A place I hold dear to my heart is a little town in central Mexico called San Miguel de Allende.
 I spent a few months here before moving to New Orleans for law school.  I was in search of guidance and healing.  I found it in this little town of cobblestone streets and colonial architecture. 

 This is the church that flanks the main courtyard in town.  It is a lovely soft pink color.  It kinda looks like a teenage girl's birthday cake and I love it for that reason.

I would spend hours strolling the streets and stepping into unexpected shops and art galleries.  San Miguel de Allende is a big artist's community and has many expats from all over the world. It give this little town a cosmopolitan edge.

I rented a little apartment with a rooftop terrace and this was the view.

For years, I would dream about San Miguel de Allende. I would dream (in that way where dreams don't follow logic or reason) that the town would search for me and ask me to return.  After a while those dreams stopped. 

I think a return trip is in order for 2011. 

1 comment:

Penguin said...

Beautiful post! A return trip is definitely in order, that rooftop view is amazing. I say if a town calls to you, you must answer!