Monday, December 20, 2010

Week of Joy

I heard some sad news regarding an incident in my apartment building on Saturday.  I won't go into details, this is not the time or place and it is not my story to tell.  Sometimes people can be overwhelmed with pain and grief to the point that it casts an impossibly dark shadow over everything.

This week, I want to focus on the things in life that are good and joyful. This is my (very) small part in spreading some light.  In the process, I want to remind myself of the things in my own life that are beautiful and joyful & for which I am grateful. 

My dog.

Look at that face!  My dog is a source of constant entertainment.  She is a clown, a soap opera actress and and a snuggle monster all rolled into one. I never feel alone when she is with me - everywhere I go with her, people stop to talk to her.

She helps me overcome my natural inclination to be reserved.  She loves to say hello to anyone and everyone that crosses her path. There is not one shy bone in her body.  She makes my life sunny and bright and sooo much fun.

If I had to design a bedroom to match my dog's personality, I think this would be it:

{Image via Lonny Magazine}

Zebra printed walls (b/c she is a little punk rock), polka dots on her duvet (b/c she is a little wacky) and an outrageous, tufted, tall white uphostered headboard (b/c she is a drama queen).  Call me crazy - but this room is all her and I love it for that reason.

1 comment:

Penguin said...

Awww, that is such a cute pic of her! I need to get a snuggle monster!