Monday, November 1, 2010

Pipi du Chat

I was 23 years old the first time I went to Paris.  Finally fulfilling a life long dream to visit the city of love, I was over the moon as I walked the cobblestone streets.  My heart broke with the beauty of the narrow streets, the churches, the art, the food and the wine.

One afternoon after a long day of sight seeing, my boyfriend and I stopped at a bar for a drink.  I was young and inexperienced with wine.  Not knowing what else to order, I ordered a glass of sauvignon blanc, s'il vous plait. 

The bartender looked disgusted.  He muttered "pipi du chat."  Uhhhh.... cat pee?  "Oui.  Sauvignon blanc is like the piss of a cat."

I. Was. Mortified.  I fancied myself a cool, young international traveler, but apparently the bartender could see right through my naivety and my crass American ways.  Like a proper Parisian, he ignored my request and gave me a glass of bordeaux instead.

Fast forward a few years later, I was 25 and dating a dashing bloke from New Zealand.  Mr. Kiwi gave me a couple of bottles of New Zealand sauvignon blanc one hot summer day.  I was reluctant after being wine shamed by the bartender, but I gave it a try anyway.  It was love at first gulp.  That judgy Parisian bartender could eat my shorts.

Almost ten years after my introduction to this white wine I visited New Zealand and toured the Marlborough region which grows most of the country's sauvignon blanc.  The sunny climate of New Zealand (likely coupled with the low pollution in that country) is ideal for growing sauvignon blanc grapes.  The result is a wine that when properly chilled is crisp, refreshing and usually has a green & grassy aroma.  Common notes are citrus, hay, and berries.  My favorites for sauvignon blanc are, of course, New Zealand wines.

My Favorites:

1. Whitehaven

Love, love, love this sauvignon blanc. It's between $17 and $20 a bottle.  If you find a 2008 vintage, grab it and drink it!  I find it tastes & smells like a blend of citrus, grass, minerals and berries.  Serve it ice cold.

2. Villa Maria - Private Bin
Excellent wine.  Again, if you find a 2008 vintage buy it and drink it!  It's between $16 and $20 a bottle.  I find this wine to be very aromatic.  Bright citrus flavors.  Crisp.  Refreshing. 

3. Kim Crawford

This is a beautiful white wine. It has a blend of tropical fruity notes with herb/grassy notes.  It's between $17 and $19 a bottle.

Food Pair:  The perfect match to sauvignon blanc is scallops.  Also goes very well with any type of seafood, salads, and pastas with tomato or lemon based sauces.

Nifty Tip:  take a sip of sauvignon blanc.  Now add a lemon wedge to the glass.  Take another sip.  I bet you were expecting a sour acidic mess, but it tastes sweeter, no? That's because  when you combine the acidity of sauvignon blanc with the acidity naturally found in foods such as citrus and tomatoes, the effect is a sweet taste on your palate.  That's the reason why sauvignon blanc goes perfectly with tomato and lemon based sauces.


MsEricaSaenz said...

KIM CRAWFORD SB = LOVE. I've been drinking it for years and they sell it at CostCo now!!!

MsEricaSaenz said...

KIM CRAWFORD SB = LOVE. I've been drinking it for years and they sell it at CostCo now!!!

Sorry, I'm new to this and am changing my profile, so I'm checking to see if it worked.

MsEricaSaenz said...

Profile update worked!

Oh so smart...